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What are Security Conditions?

August 12, 2021

I had a research meeting with my advisor a while ago where I was describing a new security condition and trying to justify why we should care that programs enforce it. I had an example program that is clearly insecure that my condition deems to be so, but I was despairing because I also thought of another program that to me is clearly insecure but my condition admits as secure.

My advisor was more sanguine than I was about the situation. “If someone wrote the second program, they should have just written a better one,” he said. A glib and funny response, yes—but I think I got what he meant, and it got me thinking about what security conditions really are.

The usual move in language-based security is to define a security condition and then show that an enforcement mechanism, usually a type system, defends it. In turn, the standard pitch we give about type systems to developers—the grand bargain offered by programming languages research, if you will—is a trade-off between expressiveness and guaranteed properties. We tell developers: write your program so that it satisfies these conditions, and we can guarantee these properties about your program. This, it turns out, is a very good bargain in practice.

So you might imagine that, applied to security-typed languages, the trade-off for expressiveness and the annotation burden of writing security labels throughout your program is a guarantee that your program is secure. After all, isn’t that what a security conditions intuitively is: a definition of what it means for a program to be secure? So how can my advisor think that it is okay for a program to be clearly insecure while still satisfying my security condition?

Let’s start with noninterference, the standard security condition defended by most security-typed languages. Roughly (and this is quite rough; there are many, many variants), a program satisfies noninterference if changing the secret inputs to a program does not change its public outputs. This is supposed to capture the fact that secret data do not influence (do not flow to) public data. That sounds like in the ballpark of what we mean by security (for confidentiality, anyway)—it guarantees that no information about secrets is encoded in public data.

The problem is that noninterference is a very exacting condition. In a sealed-bid auction, for example, parties must construct their bids without any information about other bids, but the auctioneer must necessarily reveal some information about all bids to all parties to declare the winner (e.g. Bob is not supposed to know Alice’s bid, but if the auctioneer declares Alice the winner then Bob knows at least that Alice’s bid is greater than his). This immediately violates noninterference. Almost every real program you would want to write is like this: they involve intentional information release, or declassification. The literature on language-based security has focused largely on noninterference, but I think this is an artefact of how cleanly it can be formalized than its actual usefulness.

So this means we have to look beyond noninterference and define a security condition that both allows for intentional information release and captures our intuitive notion of “security.” Whereas noninterference comes close to this intuition (“no secret information is encoded in public information”), our intuitions for “security that allows for intentional information release” fail us because insecurity is characterized by information release. What we are really asking for, then, is a security condition that demarcates between unintentional and intentional information release—we reject programs that do the former, and accept programs that do the latter.

You might guess at this point that searching for a security condition that neatly divides between intentional and unintentional information release is a fool’s errand. But we still want some security condition. At this point, then, we must revisit what a security condition is. If it is not defining security, then what is it doing?

Here’s the punchline: security conditions, particularly those that allow for intentional information release, are necessary conditions on secure programs. Under this reading, a security condition at best can codify general principles that negatively define intentional information release. That is, it can characterize what information release isn’t intentional—it cannot positively define what information release is intentional.

For example, the security condition of robust declassification states that the principals to whom you are releasing information should not be able to influence the decision to declassify nor the value to be declassified. So if you have a program where Bob can influence whether Alice declassifies data to him, robust declassification would reject this program, under the assumption that you never intend to give Bob such power—the program you wrote must have a bug. On the other hand, if you have a program where Bob can’t influence whether Alice declassifies data to him, it satisfies robust declassification but this is no guarantee that the program is secure. Maybe in the program Alice sends Bob her SSN instead of her birth date!

This is interesting because this means that security conditions are designed to be complete but unsound for capturing intentional information release. They aim to guarantee that all programs with intentional information release are accepted, but not that all accepted programs have intentional information release. This is the opposite of type systems, which are usually sound but incomplete: they can guarantee that all well-typed programs satisfy the relevant property, but not that all programs that satisfy the relevant property can be well-typed.

You might wonder why this is the case. I think it’s because negatively defining what information release is unintentional is much easier than positively defining what information release is intentional. To do the former, you just need to capture common mistakes regarding information release to prevent programmers from making such mistakes. It’s not clear to me how you would even attempt to do the latter.

Of course, my advisor is well aware that security conditions are just necessary conditions, hence his reaction to my conundrum. The game in language-based security is to identify common patterns of insecurity in programs and then define security conditions that eliminate them. We’ll never reach a “true” definition of security—that way lies human intention and thus all the messiness of life—but the hope is that we eliminate enough security bugs to gain assurance in the software that we build.